Британский собор разместил на алтаре картину с чepнoкoжим Ииcуcoм Хpиcтoм

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На алтаре Сент-Олбанского собора разместили картину с чepнoкoжим Ииcуcoм Хpиcтoм. Сюжет картины повторяет Тайную Вечерю, информацию опубликовала Daily Mail.


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My Last Supper altarpiece has been brought to Sheffield to form the centrepiece of my retrospective GAZE at Graves Gallery @museumssheffield from St George’s Church Nailsworth in the Cotswolds. When prepping for the show I discovered that Christ has received what looks to be a bullet wound in his side, an air rifle pellet having done serious damage to an area the side of an old 50p piece. When I shared this sad news with my brilliant medievalist art historian friend @emilyguerry she pointed out that the aluminium panel has been damaged at the exact point the Roman soldier pierced Christ’s side to check he was dead, and that this is the wound it is said the resurrected Christ invited his disciples to place their hands into and ‘do not doubt but believe’. “The great irony and paradox of Christ’s death is that the very act of violence of his crucifixion adds to the strength of his passion. In the same way the iconographic impact of this damage is uncanny and potentially spiritually significant.” At any rate, this act of iconoclasm has piqued the interest of @guardian which tonight featured a story on the damage to the painting and its presence in my retrospective. Lemons to lemonade I guess. What a fluke. If the bullet pellet had hit the painting anywhere else it would not have imbued it with this meaning. Anywhere else and it would most likely have been in a spot where the distortion do the metal would have ruined the entire 12 foot painting… Link to the article in bio…

Публикация от Artist Lorna May Wadsworth (@lorna_may_)

Картину написала в 2019 году художница Лорна Уодсворт. Натурщиком для картины стал ямайский манекенщик Тафари Хайнс.

Настоятель собора согласился разместить картину на алтаре в знак солидарности с движением Вlасk Livеs Mаttеr.

27 июня архиепископ Кентерберийский также заявил, что Ииcуc Хpиcтoc не был бeлым.


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